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 twMSetRegions( aRegions )
     Install a set of predefined mouse regions with optional actions
     into the internal TSDWIN mouse region array. This function
     destroys all previously held information.


     aRegions - 'A' A nested array with each element consisting of at
                    least, the coordinates of the region. If you intend
                    to add more region arrays later, this array should
                    be defined as:

                    aRegions := { {array of regions  } }

                    The regions must be examined by the caller. You may
                    wish to install code blocks to execute and release
                    requests in the region also.




     aRegions := { ;
            { twRow( 02 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 02 ), twCol( 25 ) }, ;
            { twRow( 03 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 03 ), twCol( 25 ) }, ;
            { twRow( 04 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 04 ), twCol( 25 ) }, ;
            { twRow( 05 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 05 ), twCol( 25 ) }, ;
            { twRow( 06 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 06 ), twCol( 25 ) }, ;
            { twRow( 07 ), twCol( 05 ), twRow( 07 ), twCol( 25 ) } }

     twMSetRegions( aRegions )

See Also: twMGetRegions() twMResetRegions()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson